So many people are jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon. Is gluten all that bad? Should your kids go gluten-free too? Discover my take on whether you should consider a gluten-free diet for your family. Continue Reading
Minimizing the risk of eczema in my baby
What I do on a daily basis to minimize the risk of eczema in my baby; during pregnancy, labour and delivery, and postpartum... Continue Reading
Feeding Kids with Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Do you have a child with food allergies or sensitivities? The incidence of food allergies is on the rise in our children. But, did you know that many children are also sensitive to various foods? I have been there. And I can make your life easier! I have compiled a list of strategies to make feeding your child simple and stress-free, and help keep your child symptom-free... Continue Reading
Have you tried bone broth?
Last weekend I made a delicious pot of bone broth. The smell of homemade goodness filled the whole house for 2 days! It was so comforting. Every fall I stock my freezer with bone broth. Throughout the year, anytime we have a whole chicken (which is usually once a week) I freeze the carcass. I usually have a good stockpile of bones at any given time. Bone broth is nourishing for the gut and just like chicken soup, helps ward off those winter bugs that are going around this time of year... Continue Reading
Eczema, allergies, asthma, ear infections? Why you need to focus on your child’s gut health.
Is your child suffering from eczema, allergies, ear infections or asthma? I bet you have tried numerous remedies, spent countless hours at doctor’s offices and have tried every prescription under the sun. But, it’s probably not working, at least not in the long term. Eczema, allergies, ear infections and asthma in children are on the rise. Focusing on your child's gut health can help manage these conditions... Continue Reading
Packing a Healthy School Lunch Your Kids Will Eat
The school year is well underway, and we are finally getting settled into more of a routine in our house now. I have to admit though, one thing I hate about the school year is packing lunches! Yes, I am a Holistic Nutritional Consultant, my jam is food and all things healthy, and I LOATH packing my kids lunches. Don’t we all feel this way? Here are my tips to successfully packing a healthy school lunch your child will eat... Continue Reading
I started this blog for my clients and other moms who are looking for sound nutritional knowledge and advice to help their children get healthy. Are your children chronically sick with colds or ear infections? Do they suffer from constipation, asthma, eczema, allergies or food sensitivities?... Continue Reading