
Hi! And welcome to my blog.

As you may have already read, my name is Danielle Senkerik, and I am a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, and a mom to two amazing children, aged 3 and 6. My husband and I moved our family out to the beautiful Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia in December of last year, after living in Ontario all of our lives. We just love it out here! We were very fortunate to find an amazing home on 4 acres in the country with lots of woods and extensive gardens. We plan to start a little homestead here, growing as much of our own, organic food and raising some chickens. Eek! I am so excited. It’s a dream come true!

I started this blog for my clients and other moms who are looking for sound nutritional knowledge and advice to help their children get healthy. Are your children chronically sick with colds or ear infections? Do they suffer from constipation, asthma, eczema, allergies or food sensitivities? Maybe you just want to do the best you can for your kids and you know that a healthy diet is such an important part of life? Then you have come to the right place!

Healthy living and eating is so important to me, and I know the impact that food can have on our lives. I want to help other families and children achieve optimal health and kick their chronic illnesses for good! Because you can!

I want to share with you my journey to living the healthy lifestyle we have adopted, and how I became a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant.

My real journey to healthy living started shortly after my son was born, in 2011. I knew then I wanted to give him the best of everything in life, as most parents do. I always ate pretty healthy as a teenager and into my 20’s. I had seen the effects of poor diet, and I wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t be the victim of an unhealthy lifestyle. But back then, I really had no idea what a really healthy diet was…one that was a whole foods based diet. I ate lots of salads, and vegetables. I always chose the light version of things, the healthier crackers, minimal cookies and sweets (although I LOVE cakes and cupcakes)! So I thought I was making good choices.

Once I became responsible for the health of another human being, I knew I could do better. I spent a lot of time researching what was best for babies, and really got interested in organic food, skin care and cleaning products. When my son was 8 months old, although I made all his baby food myself, fed him mostly organic, and thought I was introducing everything in the right order, he started getting mild rashes, all over his abdomen. They weren’t horrible, but I knew something wasn’t right. I tried changing detergents and ruled out any illnesses. So, I decided to take him to a naturopath.

This became the start of my real journey to healthy living.

I got a crash course in whole foods. Eliminating sugar, minimizing dairy and wheat, and how to make choices to eat a more whole foods based diet. We changed a few things in his diet, and for the most part, the rashes did go away. But his problems didn’t end there…more on this later.

I decided to jump right on board too and changed my diet. I haven’t looked back since.

I really embraced this change. It just felt so right. I felt so good. I lost all the baby weight, plus another 30 lbs! I had never felt better! And the best part, I didn’t have to calorie count and was able to eat delicious food whenever I was hungry! I mean, who is going to complain about that! My husband jumped on board too and lost a ton of weight, had better skin and felt great. Other than the usual exhaustion that comes from caring for a baby!!

I invested in some amazing books, some great kitchen tools, and begin making almost everything from scratch… eating unprocessed, whole foods.

As I learned more and more and became more adventurous, I knew I wanted more. I felt unfulfilled in my job and this had become such a passion of mine. I loved giving friends advice on ways that could make their diet healthier, or make delicious, healthy snacks for their kids. In 2014, I made the decision to go back to school and enrolled in the Natural Nutrition Diploma at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. I learned SOOO much there in two short years, and incorporated everything I could into my own family’s diet.

I became a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant in 2016, and I now teach mom’s how to use food to rebalance their family’s health, manage chronic illness, such as ear infections, colds, asthma, allergies and eczema without adding extra stress to their already busy lives.

The power of food is just amazing!

It provides the building blocks of life.

It nourishes.

It heals.

And the wrong foods can also harm.

I feel so passionate about giving our kids the best start in life, and teaching them healthy habits to ensure they continue to have a healthy life in their future. This is the most critical time for them, as their bodies are growing at such rapid rates. And as Moms, we can help them.

My goal is to help you on that journey. Because it doesn’t have to be hard.

This blog will be FULL of the best tips (recipes, strategies and knowledge) to keep your children healthy and happy and to reclaim your sanity. Because let’s face it….life is tough. Being a mom is super tough. And no one gave us an instruction manual!!!!

I hope to see you here on a regular basis and I hope you enjoy all of the juicy content about to come.

Comment below or email me and let me know what your greatest health and nutrition struggles are with your children. I am happy to help!

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