Are you ready to make lasting change?

Welcome! I’m Danielle, a Certified Holistic Nutritional ConsultantTM, and I teach mom’s simple and effective strategies to make lasting change to take control of their family’s health and reclaim their own sanity.

Our children are facing a huge health crisis. They have so much more to contend with physically, emotionally and socially than we did growing up. Their little bodies are exposed to more chemicals, toxins and processed foods, leaving them suffering with chronic illnesses such as chronic colds, ear infections, constipation, asthma, allergies and eczema, which most people have come to accept as a normal part of childhood.

IT IS NOT NORMAL! Your child’s body is crying for help.

Our society has forgotten what real food is and how we can truly nourish our children’s bodies and give them health without suffering. Food is medicine! And it has the power to help your child.

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Let’s Work Together


This is where I come in. I can show you how you can give your child back their health, reduce your stress, simplify your life and get rid of your mom guilt. I take the guesswork out of feeding your child and teach you how to incorporate real, nourishing food into your child’s diet in a way that is easy for you and they will love.

No one has taught us how to eat properly and what to watch out for. The food industry doesn’t have your child’s best interest at heart, they just want to make money.  Who can you really trust with so much conflicting information out there? Googling just makes it worse…no real answers and you don’t know what you are supposed to do.

I can help!

I teach you what to look out for and how to make decisions so it’s easy for you and you can do it on your own. You will know your child is being nourished, allowing their body to repair and re-balance, restoring their health. We can reduce their suffering and give you your life back!

We need to set the stage for good health in our children now, so they have the opportunity for good health when they are older, and to pass that onto their future generations.

Nourishing their bodies in the best way impacts so many aspects of their lives, everything they do is impacted by how well-nourished they are; their performance in school, their emotions and social skills, their physical capabilities.

I know it’s not easy, but I’ve got your back. I have watched my two children’s health improve year after year as we learn more and incorporate new changes. Now that we have routines around food and so much less illness to deal with, I have so much less stress! I am not worrying about them near as much as I used to – don’t get me wrong, there will always be worries with kids – but they are healthy and happy, and I am much happier!

I can help you too! My clients experience less stress, less trips to doctor, more quality time, improved symptoms, improved mood, happier children, and no more mom guilt! Let me help you change your life and your child’s life. Start your journey today!

Get my free e-guide below, or book a free discovery call with me or a package of consultations to discuss your concerns and challenges and learn how I can help you.

Get My FREE Video Training

Reduce Kids’ Eczema Flare-Ups: Going Beyond The Skin and into The Gut

Delivered straight to your inbox

This training is for parents who…

  • Have a child struggling with eczema or asthma
  • Are tired of harsh meds with scary side effects that don’t work
  • Have tried changing their child’s diet and yet it still isn’t working
  • Want to understand what’s really going on so they can finally reduce their kids’ flare-ups
Book Your Free Children’s Health Breakthrough Call

Want to know how I can help you? Book your free 45-minute discovery call.

  • Get to know me
  • Let me get to know you
  • Discuss your concerns and discover how I can help you
  • No commitment required

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